
  • Average citation rates are calculated for each year of the 10-year period, based on accumulated citations from the year of publication to the most current bimonthly update. Averages are calculated by adding the citation counts of individual papers and dividing by the number of papers. An average for the full 10-year period is also given in All Years.
  • A fraction or percentage of papers selected after ranking papers in a research field in descending order by citation count.
  • D
  • The actual date when items are entered into the database, which is not necessarily the publication date.
  • F
  • Field Rankings displays total papers, total citations received, citations per paper, and Hot and Highly Cited papers in each field.
  • H
  • A paper that belongs to the top 1% of papers in a research field published in a specified year. The 1% is determined by the highly cited threshold calculated for the research field in the specified year.
  • The minimum number of citations received by the top 1% of papers in the research field published in the specified year.
  • A paper published in the past two years that received a number of citations in the most recent two-month period that places it in the top 0.1% of papers in the same field
  • When a user clicks on the ESi Hot icon and the Hot Papers Graph displays.
  • P
  • The term ”percentile” designates a citation threshold at or above that at which a fixed fraction of the papers fall. This term is used to denote any fixed fraction of top papers ordered by citation count. The levels we have selected for listing by field and year are 0.01%, 0.1%, 1.0%, 10%, 20%, and 50%.
  • R
  • A group of highly cited papers over a five-year period, referred to as "core papers," in a specialized topic defined by a cluster analysis.
  • U
  • Unifying the varying ways institutional names are given